Thursday, April 21, 2011


You wanna know what's ironic? The fact that I have been in a blogging mood for like 2 weeks and I can't do it. I've blogged everything that I have pictures for, but I have 6 posts waiting to get pictures added to them so I can post them. Cuz let's be honest, no one likes posts without pictures right? My laptop broke and yes, my husband is a computer technician, but since we have a desktop, my laptop is not high on his priority list. We also just got me an IPad (which is AWESOME) so my need for the laptop isn't really there anymore. And the SD card reader on our desktop doesn't work either so therefore my camera is just getting loaded up of activites and of course of the cutest baby ever, but I just can't show you right now. Then, by the time I do get pictures uploaded on the computer it will probably be too overwhelming and I won't want to deal with them and therefore won't blog them anyway. Seriously, irony huh?

Just kidding about the last part, I will blog them all asap cuz I actually have something to brag about and show off these days :) just decided to let you all know why I wasn't blogging... Not that anyone was probably wondering anyway cuz I always go so long between posts. Ok, I'm done rambling now. Off to snuggle with my little peanut :)

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