Monday, August 31, 2009

Washington vacation

So we went to Andrew's family reunion a couple weekends ago. We left Thursday the 13th. That day was spent driving to his parent's house which is in Longview, WA. It's about a 12 hour drive.

Friday it was us, his parents, and his 2 little cousins Christy & Josh. The plan was to go to the Space Needle in Seattle which is about a 2 hour drive from Longview. Andrew had said he also wanted to go see the Seattle temple too, since it was only a few minutes away from the Space Needle, and neither of us had ever been there before. So we stopped there and walked around the temple grounds for a bit, it was really pretty.

So we did go to the space needle. We didn't actually go up it because the wait for tickets was almost an hour and then the wait to go up was another hour or so. None of us really felt like it was worth it. We got some lunch and walked around a bit and then headed for home.

Saturday was the family reunion. It was at Andrew's mom's cousin's house. It was Andrew's gma's kids and families, and her brother's kids and families. It was very laid back. We just hung out at the house, had some food, and took pictures.

Sunday morning Andrew & I went to church at a local ward in Longview (Andrew is a convert and no one else in his fam is a member). After church we went over to his cousin's house for their son's Police themed bday party. He turned 4, such a cutie! After the party we went and visited with his grandparents for a bit and went to dinner.

Monday was spent making our way back home. It was a lot of fun. I'm really glad I went with him. His family is awesome. There's a ton of pics to go with this post, so I think I'll put them in a slide show

Friday, August 7, 2009

The I.T Crowd

Alright so, I'm not one that has a bunch of favorite tv shows that I have to watch. I don't record every episode of any show. I've never watched the office or anything like that. But this show is the funniest thing I have ever seen! I watched the first two seasons in two days by myself and was (quite literally) laughing out loud. If you have netflix it is on instant play. I had Andrew watch it and he loved it, also my friends at work are the ones who introduced me to it so obviously they love it as well. If you're trying to figure out something to watch and have netflix, I highly recommend it.

Brynley Madison Wardwell

I totally forgot to blog about my new baby niece because I was out of town when she was born. My brother Troy and his wifey Kristin brought the most beautiful baby girl into the world on July 11. I'm a little upset at Bryn still because if she would've come just five days earlier we would've got to see her since we were in Georgia! It's ok though, I forgive her and love her. I'll get to see her when her and her mommy come out to Utah for a visit in October. Welcome to the world Brynley, we love you!

proud momma

my brother is gonna be the best daddy

so precious

i love this dress, she is too cute

Cirque du Soleil

So, a few months ago when Andrew and I first started dating he mentioned that he went to Cirque du Soleil in Vegas and loved it. I'm not gonna lie, I had no idea what it was. So I got online and googled it and it looked interesting enough. So then I saw that it was coming to Salt Lake this month and I just had to get tickets for him. His reaction was priceless, he was super excited and it made it all worth it to get them :) So we went last night. I was excited but not like on the edge of my seat excited or anything like he was. It was pretty freakin awesome though. There were a few parts that dragged just a little, but overall it was fantastic. Those people are so ridiculously talented and can do things with their bodies that I couldn't even imagine doing. It was a great time and I would definitely suggest it to anyone.

cameras weren't allowed, so this is the only pic we could get from andrew's phone

This video is like 8 minutes long, but these were the trapeze performers we saw. They were AMAZING and literally made me nervous. I jumped a couple times while watching them

Riley weekend

Last Saturday I got to watch Riley for a few hours in the morning. Andrew came over and we took him to meet up with Carrie & Jodi for swimming. This was the first time Andrew has met Riley so it was kind of a big deal. Ri was a little hesitant about him at first and wouldn't let go of me, but then Andrew started playing catch with him and he was Ri's best bud after that. I wish we would've gotten some pics or video of Riley at the pool, he was soooo freakin cute! He absolutely loves the water and if someone wasn't holdin on to him he'd try and take off on his own. It was so fun and I'm so glad I got to have that experience with him.

So Sunday was fast sunday dinner. The Tolmans come every 3 months so the whole family gets to see Riley, and Lacey, Ron, & Lori of course :) Not too much to report on this day. We celebrated Carrie & Mike's bdays coming up this month and just played games and hung out. It was a really good weekend

the two boys that I love more than anything!

This game is called washers, it's exactly like horseshoes except you have to get these washers in the boxes. We played guys against girls, I'll give you one guess who won... us of course :)

cutest boy ever!

Pioneer day weekend

Andrew's mom decided to come down for a visit over the weekend of the 24th. Friday I had the day off work cuz my company is awesome like that. We went and picked her up from the airport and then went to lunch at Applebees. Then we took her to her hotel and Andrew had to go to work. Friday night, mom & dad (being the awesome parents they are) and I took her out to dinner. It went really well. So then Saturday we started the morning by touring the conference center. Neither Andrew or his mom had ever been there before, so that was a really cool thing for them to see. We took the tour with the guide so we got to go up on the roof and everything, which I had actually never done. The gardens on the roof were really pretty, and the view of the temple and the rest of SL was amazing.

After that we grabbed some lunch and headed to the Oquirrh Mountain temple open house. Andrew is a convert to the church and his parents don't really know anything about it so it was really cool to be able to share that with her. Of course she had lots of questions, and I was actually proud of my ability to answer most of them. I guess I did learn some stuff back when I didn't pay attention in Sunday school :) Anywho, it went really well overall. The only slightly awkward moment for me was when she asked where they (her & her family) would be when Andrew got married. Explaining to her that they would just be waiting in the annex was not the most fun thing. Hopefully, by seeing how important the temple is to Andrew and understanding that he won't settle for anything less, will spark her interest more when the time comes.

So, after the temple we came back to my house and had a BBQ with the whole fam. She has 5 sisters, so my worries about the family overwhelming her weren't really necessary. Anywho, I'm glad she came down and I had the opportunity to meet her. Next weekend Andrew and I are going up to Washington for his family reunion, so I'll be meeting all the rest of his family then.

Andrew & I in the conference center

this place is amazing

Andrew & his mommy on the roof of the conference center

the SL temple from the roof of the conference center

Oquirrh Mountain temple

in front of the temple

Love him :)

:) i love my dog-like kitty

just hangin out

Monday, August 3, 2009

I love to see the temple

So, on the 23rd I had the opportunity to go and do baptisms at the temple. This is the first time I've been to the temple in about 6 years. I don't really know what to say. I am extremely grateful for the chance I had to go back to the temple. It's been a long and pretty rocky road for me, and I'm just glad to be back on track. Anywho, I brought my camera, but the only pic we got was from mom's iphone of me & Jod.