Friday, August 7, 2009

Cirque du Soleil

So, a few months ago when Andrew and I first started dating he mentioned that he went to Cirque du Soleil in Vegas and loved it. I'm not gonna lie, I had no idea what it was. So I got online and googled it and it looked interesting enough. So then I saw that it was coming to Salt Lake this month and I just had to get tickets for him. His reaction was priceless, he was super excited and it made it all worth it to get them :) So we went last night. I was excited but not like on the edge of my seat excited or anything like he was. It was pretty freakin awesome though. There were a few parts that dragged just a little, but overall it was fantastic. Those people are so ridiculously talented and can do things with their bodies that I couldn't even imagine doing. It was a great time and I would definitely suggest it to anyone.

cameras weren't allowed, so this is the only pic we could get from andrew's phone

This video is like 8 minutes long, but these were the trapeze performers we saw. They were AMAZING and literally made me nervous. I jumped a couple times while watching them

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