We love this little boy so much. He has brought so much love and happiness into our home and is by far our greatest blessing. Jax is such a good baby. Everyone has told me that you need to have a good one first so that you'll want to have more and we definitely got a good one. We don't have insurance until May 1st so he hasn't had his 2 month checkup yet so therefore I don't have his stats yet. But I would bet he's probably close to 12 pounds. He's actually turning into quite the little chunk which I am totally ok with. So, here's all about Jaxy boy at 2 months old.
- Jax loves to eat. It's funny because it was actually a problem the first 2 weeks of his life and made me a nervous wreck. But it certainly isn't a problem anymore. He eats 3-4 ounces every 2-3 hours and sometimes even 5 oz at a time. He's starting to get some thunder thighs and I absolutely love it.
- Jax does not take naps. His naps are like 30-40 minute power naps and that's about it. Occasionally he will take longer ones if we are in the car long enough to knock him out.
- However, he is a great sleeper at night. He goes to bed at different times depending on what we're doing, but he sleeps 6-8 hours, eats, and then goes back down for another 2-3 hours which is soooo great! I would much rather him not take good naps and do this than take good naps and not sleep as long at night.
- He's very good at being by himself. Of course he loves to be held but on days when I can't hold him a lot he is very good about just chillin. He likes to spend most of his time in his bouncer with the vibration on, or just flat on the floor. He is so good about this and makes it really easy for me to get things done when I need to.
- He loves to be naked. This could be a bad sign for the future :p but for now I'm perfectly ok with it cuz he is a stinkin cute naked baby.
- Along with being naked, he LOVES his baths. We make sure he is starving and tired for bedtime and then he gets his bath before eating and as soon as he touches the water it is like an off switch to his crying and he gets really happy. I love just letting him chill in there for a while cuz he loves it so much. I should post a video.
- Jax is such a happy baby. He loves when you just sit there and talk to him and will just smile and coo at you forever. Even when he's just laying by himself he is just constantly smiling and talking. This boy makes me soooo happy!
- The only thing that has put any bumps in his happy demeanor is the fact that he gets really really bad gas. He pretty much gets multiple doses od gas drops a day cuz it is so common. It's really sad to see him in pain and I really wish there was any easy fix to it.
- He can almost hold his head up completely, is following us around a lot more with his eyes, and absolutely hates tummy time.
There's not much else to update on a 2 month old. He is a great baby and we are so happy he is here with us!
Here is just a random picture that was actually taken on his 2 month bday :)
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