Friday, April 29, 2011

Kale Chips

So, this blog has obviously been taken over by Jaxson cuz one, he's just stinkin cute and everyone should want to see him. And two, he is my life. All I do is stay home and take care of him all day, so he's really all I have to talk about. So this post is just a teensy bit different today.

After two months I have finally decided to start working for real on losing this baby weight. (And I've lost 7 pounds in a week :)) I decided to share this super quick and easy recipe which I think is a gem. I actually heard about these from Gwyneth Paltrow on Ellen last week. She said her kids love them and they taste just like potato chips. I didn't quite believe that but decided to do some googling and research on them and found a lot of the same reactions. So, I tried them. I certainly wouldn't compare them to potato chips, but they are definitely a good substitute. James looked at me like I was crazy when I started making them and he was very hesitant to try them. But, like me, after you eat one you just keep eating them. They are like potato chips in the way that they are crunchy and just a really good thing to munch on. I only bought one little bushel of it and made it all at once, and it was gone right after it was made. So, if you are like me and always feel like you need to be munching on something, try these little babies :)

They are super cheap, super easy, and super healthy. The perfect snack.


1 bunch kale
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon seasoned salt

(I didn't measure the olive oil or the salt, you just kind of do what you feel)


1.Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line a non insulated cookie sheet with parchment paper.
2.With a knife or kitchen shears carefully remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size pieces. Wash and thoroughly dry kale with a salad spinner. Drizzle kale with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning salt.
3.Bake until the edges brown but are not burnt, 10 to 15 minutes.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What year is it?

Oh yea, it's 2011 and this is what kids do these days...

We were about to go on a 10 minute ride to Ihop and this is what the girls looked like the whole way there. Baylie has my Ipad, Avrie's got grandma's Iphone, and Kay has grandma's Ipad. Kids these days are so spoiled :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

2 months!

I know everyone says it, but I really cannot believe my baby is 2 months old already! I have found that I am actually ok with him getting bigger cuz I love watching him do new things and learning stuff, I just wish it would go a teensy bit slower.

We love this little boy so much. He has brought so much love and happiness into our home and is by far our greatest blessing. Jax is such a good baby. Everyone has told me that you need to have a good one first so that you'll want to have more and we definitely got a good one. We don't have insurance until May 1st so he hasn't had his 2 month checkup yet so therefore I don't have his stats yet. But I would bet he's probably close to 12 pounds. He's actually turning into quite the little chunk which I am totally ok with. So, here's all about Jaxy boy at 2 months old.

- Jax loves to eat. It's funny because it was actually a problem the first 2 weeks of his life and made me a nervous wreck. But it certainly isn't a problem anymore. He eats 3-4 ounces every 2-3 hours and sometimes even 5 oz at a time. He's starting to get some thunder thighs and I absolutely love it.

- Jax does not take naps. His naps are like 30-40 minute power naps and that's about it. Occasionally he will take longer ones if we are in the car long enough to knock him out.

- However, he is a great sleeper at night. He goes to bed at different times depending on what we're doing, but he sleeps 6-8 hours, eats, and then goes back down for another 2-3 hours which is soooo great! I would much rather him not take good naps and do this than take good naps and not sleep as long at night.

- He's very good at being by himself. Of course he loves to be held but on days when I can't hold him a lot he is very good about just chillin. He likes to spend most of his time in his bouncer with the vibration on, or just flat on the floor. He is so good about this and makes it really easy for me to get things done when I need to.

- He loves to be naked. This could be a bad sign for the future :p but for now I'm perfectly ok with it cuz he is a stinkin cute naked baby.

- Along with being naked, he LOVES his baths. We make sure he is starving and tired for bedtime and then he gets his bath before eating and as soon as he touches the water it is like an off switch to his crying and he gets really happy. I love just letting him chill in there for a while cuz he loves it so much. I should post a video.

- Jax is such a happy baby. He loves when you just sit there and talk to him and will just smile and coo at you forever. Even when he's just laying by himself he is just constantly smiling and talking. This boy makes me soooo happy!

- The only thing that has put any bumps in his happy demeanor is the fact that he gets really really bad gas. He pretty much gets multiple doses od gas drops a day cuz it is so common. It's really sad to see him in pain and I really wish there was any easy fix to it.

- He can almost hold his head up completely, is following us around a lot more with his eyes, and absolutely hates tummy time.

There's not much else to update on a 2 month old. He is a great baby and we are so happy he is here with us!

Here is just a random picture that was actually taken on his 2 month bday :)

a day in my life

Ok, so not really a day, but I got a video of my happy baby and a video of my mad/sad baby which describes his mood all day. He really is so good and I'm really lucky that this is pretty much as loud as he gets unless he is just absolutely starving.

Happy boy - 90% of the time

happy boy from Kiley Summers on Vimeo.

Sad/Mad boy - 10% of the time

mad/sad boy from Kiley Summers on Vimeo.

Monday, April 25, 2011

need a laugh?

This picture just makes me laugh everytime I look at it so I thought it might do that for you too. I love how his gums look like teeth :)

Another thing that makes me laugh is Jax when he sleeps. He is sooo loud! He moans, he laughs, he grunts... just makes all kinds of noises and I think it is so stinkin adorable. Last week in Relief Society he got quite a few laughs because of how loud his cute little noises are. I've been able to snag this one video of him moaning. There is no picture cuz he's asleep so it's dark

loud sleeping boy from Kiley Summers on Vimeo.

visiting Riley

Lori cuts mine and Jodi's hair, so when Jodi needs a cut I go over there and watch/play with the kids while Lori and Jodi are busy. Kayhlen and Riley both just adore Jaxson. Everytime we see Kay she is just all about Jax and wants to see him and hold him and love on him. Riley calls him Jack Jack which he got from the Incredibles movie cuz that's the baby's name. He's been calling him that since before he was born and it's really cute. Here's just a few pictures from like 2 weeks ago of the 3 of them.

She kept bringing a whole bunch of toys and putting them on his pillow for him, it was really cute

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He is Risen

He is risen! He is risen!
Tell it out with joyful voice.
He has burst his three days’ prison;
Let the whole wide earth rejoice.
Death is conquered; man is free.
Christ has won the victory!

Today in our temple prep class our teacher asked us why we think that our church doesn't really make a huge spectacle or deal about Easter. There were a lot of comments but the main concensus seemed to be that we focus on Christ and the Atonement every week in church, because that is what our church is about, so that this one day when the rest of the world acknowledges it it isn't any different for us. I guess I can agree with that. But at the same time time it always good to have reminders and today I am grateful for that reminder and to be specifically thinking about Christ's sacrifices for me all day today.

I am so grateful for all my blessings and to know that my Redeemer lives and that I'll be able to live with him again is the greatest blessing of all. Happy Easter!

Happy Easter

Don't you just love Easter? I sure do. I especially love having a child now that I get to buy stuff for on holidays. Not that he really cares yet, but I do :) I really have 2 kids though cuz James really wanted a basket too. And since we only have Jax, I didn't mind doing one for James. I told him that once we have more kids he will not be getting one anymore.

We celebrated this special holiday by spending time with family. Yesterday the boys woke up in the morning and got their baskets, we ran some errands in the afternoon, and then went over to mom and dad's to spend time with the family and have an egg hunt. Mom saves up all her change for the year and uses that to fill eggs for the kids since they get plenty of candy from the Easter bunny. This year I think the total was over 60 bucks, and Avrie got 19 all for herself. After the egg hunt we had dinner together and just spent the evening hanging out and talking while the kids played outside. The weather was a little chillier than we would have liked but the kids didn't seem to mind.

James & Jax's baskets

Daddy & Jax

I love these boys to death. They are so cute together and Jax is the SPITTING image of James.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ward Talent Show

Jodi, mom, and dad were in their ward talent show last night. James and I went to watch them and really everyone else since I know pretty much all of them. It was fun and there were a lot of cute kids that did stuff. Mom's gonna get mad at me, but here is the video of what they did :)

Ward Talent Show from Kiley Summers on Vimeo.

March Candids

Here's just some random pictures of Jax from the month of March. I'll probably do this every month for a little while at least since they change so much right now. And if they aren't in exact order, oh well :) He's just fun to look at

Camdon & Jax

Thursday, April 21, 2011


You wanna know what's ironic? The fact that I have been in a blogging mood for like 2 weeks and I can't do it. I've blogged everything that I have pictures for, but I have 6 posts waiting to get pictures added to them so I can post them. Cuz let's be honest, no one likes posts without pictures right? My laptop broke and yes, my husband is a computer technician, but since we have a desktop, my laptop is not high on his priority list. We also just got me an IPad (which is AWESOME) so my need for the laptop isn't really there anymore. And the SD card reader on our desktop doesn't work either so therefore my camera is just getting loaded up of activites and of course of the cutest baby ever, but I just can't show you right now. Then, by the time I do get pictures uploaded on the computer it will probably be too overwhelming and I won't want to deal with them and therefore won't blog them anyway. Seriously, irony huh?

Just kidding about the last part, I will blog them all asap cuz I actually have something to brag about and show off these days :) just decided to let you all know why I wasn't blogging... Not that anyone was probably wondering anyway cuz I always go so long between posts. Ok, I'm done rambling now. Off to snuggle with my little peanut :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Don't you just love conference? I sure do. We did our usually thing with the family. Got together on Sunday, watched conference, ate lots of yummy food, played lots of games, and this year we also celebrated Daxten's birthday. I just love my family.

Daxten's cake

he loved it