Sunday, January 31, 2010

sickness, pain, & happiness

I'm sick. Tuesday night I started getting a sore throat. On Wednesday it had turned into a pretty painful sore throat. Wednesday night I started thinking it could possibly be strep. I started having chills and a fever coming and going. I tried to think of anyway to get out of any of my classes on Thursday, but I just can't afford to miss class right now. Friday I started getting a pretty painful ear ache. Now, I haven't gone to the Dr. at this point because I don't have insurance. Yesterday morning (Saturday) I was feeling pretty crappy. Sore throat, congestion, & an ear ache. According to it was either just a cold or an ear infection. I decided that I would stick it out until Monday, and if I still hadn't gotten better I would go to instacare. Well, yesterday night about 8 o'clock, the pain in my ear starts to become unbearable. I was sobbing from the pain, and my ear had started to bleed. James and I were baby sitting Kay, so I couldn't make it to instacare last night, besides they closed at like 8 or 9. After Jodi and Mike got home, James took me over to my parents' for some TLC from mommy and a blessing from dad. Jamie was also able to find and instacare that was open on Sundays and we decided that I'd go first thing this morning. I finally made it to Dr. this morning and found out that I do in fact have an ear infection. The doctor kind of chuckled about it cuz he said it's really not common in adults at all. Since I waited so long, my eardrum has ruptured and has a hole in it, which is what is causing the bleeding and fluids to come out. So, sickness and pain wise I'm so so so much better now. I've been taking my antibiotics and he also gave me some loritab for the pain so I was able to catch up on some much needed sleep today and it should be completely healed within 4 or 5 days.

So, when you get an ear infection, if it's not treated it can start to effect your equilibrium and throw off your balance and vision and stuff. This started happening to me a little bit Friday and Saturday morning, but man was it bad Saturday night. I've never been drunk, but I would imagine it would feel kind of like that. James and I stopped at the store to get me some more powerful pain meds on the way home last night and I had to hold on to his arm the whole time. I couldn't walk straight to save my life. After the store we were at the gas station and James was putting air in my tires. I looked at my Wal-mart reciept and noticed that I had been charged for 2 boxes of Aleve instead of just one. No worries though, we went through self-checkout, so I ripped myself off. As James got back in the car I asked him why he let me ring my stuff up by myself and handed him the receipt. He looked at it and just started laughing. As did I. It was pretty funny, as was some other stuff I said and ran into while walking. Good times.

The happiness in my title comes from my new found love for Loritabs :) haha, jk. Well, partly kidding. I do love my Loritabs, but the happiness in the title comes from my wonderful James :) He's been so amazing the past few days. He pretty much hasn't left my side and has catered to my every need. I'll get up to go get something, and he'll yell at me to stay put and he'll get whatever I need. He's been driving me everywhere, cooking me dinner, googling remedies for my many complaints, and just making me smile. I'm really really grateful for him and all he's helped me with. He is seriously the best. I am one lucky girl.

It sucks going to the Dr. without insurance, but I'm really happy and grateful for already feeling so much better. I'm also glad this hit me when it did since I was actually able to kind of take it easy. I have an exam tomorrow and school all day Tuesday that I now should be able to fully function for. Thank you modern medicine.

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