Friday, May 18, 2012

I have entered

the smartphone world. I have been just fine with a crappy phone for a while now, but with my cell contract ending, James and I talked about getting me a smart phone. Long story short, we got a really good deal and I am now the proud owner of an Iphone 4s! Now that I have it, I am so in love with it. Sprint doesn't charge extra for iphones, so it is just the plan price we have to pay for. I'm stoked! Oh, and Siri is just as cool as the commercials make it look.

Anyway, James and I have a little getaway today for his late birthday present. We're going to the Avengers and Tucanos and then staying in SL for the night. So I'll post about that and Mother's Day when we get back. Hope everyone has a good weekend, I know I will!

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