24 lbs 6 oz - 70%
2'6" - 60%
47cm head circ - 85%
So our boy started out way on the small end of the scale, shot up to the high end, and is now pretty average.
Fun facts:
- He absolutely loves to read. We spend most of our day reading books. If you ask him if he wants to read a book he will drop whatever he is doing, find the nearest book, come set it next to you, and reach his arms up for you to put him on your lap. It's so cute
- He has been walking since 10 months, I don't know if I ever posted that. But now he walks perfectly in all his shoes too, and is just a complete walker. He never crawls anymore.
- He is a terrible eater. He only has a few things that he'll eat all the time, and he doesn't eat very much most of the time. It drives momma crazy. Almost every meal is a battle.
- He is a terrible napper. He always has been. Some days he sleeps for 3 hours, other days for 45 minutes total. It is so frustrating.
- He has always been a good night sleeper though. Goes to bed between 7 & 8 and wakes up between 7 & 8.
- He babbles a ton! He can say dog, dadda, and occasionally I'll get a momma, but not too often. He can sign please and all done.
- He loves his blocks, he carries them all over the house. He is also getting really into cars and trucks. He got a big ambulance for his birthday and he likes to push that around
- He is a momma's boy, but he sure loves his daddy when he is around
- He has 12 teeth. The Dr told me he has enough teeth to eat steak :) (too bad he won't eat meat)
- He knows how to fold his arms for prayer, and he recognizes different pictures of Jesus which just melts my heart.
This boy amazes me everyday with everything he learns. It's different with nieces and nephews cuz you only see them every now and then and it's awesome to see when they've learned something, but getting to spend every day with this boy and seeing him pick up on the littlest things is absolutely amazing to me. I can't believe how much he understands when I talk to him. Like when I say do you want to eat, and he walks over to his chair, pulls it out, and waits for me to put it in him. I love it so much. He makes me so happy every day and I'm so glad he is growing and learning so well.
he also makes the best faces all the time :)
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