Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Manti Pageant

We went to the Manti pageant in June as a fam. It was kind of a crazy day. It was Andrew's first time meeting the fam, we arrived like 3 hours early to get a good spot, only to be told that we couldn't go on the grounds until like 6, and it was raining off and on all day. Despite all of that though, it was a good day. I've been to the pageant before but I was like 13 so I don't really remember anything. Pretty sure I fell asleep actually. So I actually appreciated it this time. The Manti temple is AMAZING, and the pageant was very well done. Hopefully next year won't be as cold :)

mom & bay trying to stay warm and dry before the pageant

andrew <3

Kenadie was so cute with grandpa

I should pretty much be a pro with this picture

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