Monday, October 27, 2008

My babies

So, since I'm not privileged enough to be married and have my own kids to blog about, I will blog about my other babies, which are pretty much my kids to me :) I just love these pictures so I wanted to put them up.

Here are my cute kitties napping together

We have this little dresser in the doorway of the cat's room so Kenya can't get in. This is what she does every time I'm in the cat's room. It's so cute. I just love her puppy dog face.

Pretty much pro

I wasn't really planning on carving a pumpkin this year, but mom bought me one when she went to the pumpkin patch with the girls, so since I had it, I decided to do it. I was totally kidding about the professional part... but the picture looks pretty dang cool

Baby Shower Invites

For those of you who don't know, I've gotten really into scrap booking ever since Riley was born. So I made Carrie's baby shower invitations all by myself. It's the first project I've done totally on my own so I'm pretty proud of myself. It's not a big deal... but this is as exciting as my life gets :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Poor Kitty

So, yesterday morning I noticed that Shadow had this area of fur that was all crusty and stuff. As I looked closer I noticed that she had a sore of some kind. I didn't really pay much attention to it, I mentioned it to mom and neither of us thought it was anything serious, we figured it would just heal and that would be that. So, last night when I got home, mom called me into her room and had Shadow on her lap. We looked closer at it again and it looked bigger and it was bleeding. So I planned on getting up this morning and making an appointment to get her in today. So... we get to the vet and he shaves the area around it. He then shows me that it was a cat bite and one of the puncture areas had gotten infected and was causing this abscess. He tells me what they'll have to do and blah blah blah, I figured a couple stitches and that would be it. Man was I wrong. So, 4 hours and 400 dollars later...

Her eyes are all crusty, that's why the one isn't open

So, they had to take out all the infected stuff and then cleaned and stitched up the other little puncture areas too, and the thing sticking out of her is a drain

It's so sad to look at her, poor kitty

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

He is huge!

Riley is seriously so dang big. He weighs 17 pounds and is only 4 months old! He is so long and just thick. He looks like he's 8 months old.

Updates finally!

Riley will be 5 months old next week. They grow up way too fast! He is doing wonderful. I love the Tolmans so much and I am so grateful for the relationship I'm able to have with them and Riley. He is seriously so dang gorgeous. I love him to death! Here he is at just about 4 months

A list of eights

8 TV Shows I Watch:
-Biggest Loser
--Forensic Files
---Haunting Evidence
----America’s Next Top Model

-----Medical Mysteries
-------Gossip Girl
--------America’s Got Talent
8 Things That Happened Yesterday
-Pushed off instead of snooze on my alarm

---Finished Carrie’s baby shower invitations

----Played fetch with Kenya
-----Payed bills

-------Stayed up way too late watching medical mysteries
--------Got a call for a job interview at the hospital!

8 Favorite Places to Eat:

---Del Taco
----Olive Garden
-----PF Changs
-------Panda Express
--------Carl’s Jr

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
-My interview tomorrow
--Seeing Riley tonight

----UVU next semester
-----Twilight movie!!
------Losing 15 more pounds

-------Vacation next May ha ha
--------Becoming a nurse!
8 Things On My Wish List:
-New phone

--New Camera
---This ring I really like
----A cruise
-----Being a size 8 again
------Prince Charming ha!
-------Work at the hospital
--------Getting married