Thursday, October 8, 2009

such a homemaker

...I am becoming. While Andrew & I were dating I made dinner every Saturday & Sunday cuz those are the days he was around at that time. I have decided that I actually like cooking quite a bit. The problem is now I'm back to just myself and it's really a pain to only cook for myself. So anyways, I've been following a couple baking blogs and I saw this recipe and decided I just had to try it.

totally stole this pic off her website cuz mine sure didn't look like that

She calls them "The Motherload Layered Cookie Bars". And holy crap, they were amazing! I made a couple changes myself. I didn't put chocolate chips in the chocolate cookie dough and I didn't put the chocolate on top, I just thought that might be too much. I was in heaven when I tried one of these bad boys. I brought them into work to see what other people thought and I kid you not, they were gone in like less than a minute. I've already had people asking me when I'm gonna make them again. This is definitely a recipe I will continue to use in the future


davidcarriebrownfam said...

Share it with the class please!

Troy & Kristin said...

Oooo I wanted to try these! Glad you tested them first! And I agree, share with the class!!!!!!!