Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I had a great christmas this year. I got a digital camera, some movies, and clothes. I spent the day hanging out with the fam and Eric at home. We played games and stuffed ourselves and all that good stuff. I really didn't take any pictures because my camera was charging, sorry.

Here is Kenya with her stocking

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


My grandma passed away today. I'm sad that she's gone, but happy that she's in a better place. Love you grandma!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas with Riley

Ron, Lori, Lacey & Riley came over tonight to exchange christmas presents. Riley is one of the happiest babies I have ever seen in my life. He is such a dang cutie

He's really excited about the outfit I got him

He's got a funny face in this one

Such a happy boy

Monday, December 15, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

So we had quite an eventful Sunday. We had the normal amount of people we usually do, plus Ron & Lori and my boyfriend (yes, it's official) Eric here too. We made gingerbread houses and then had dinner. It was lots of fun. It was also Eric's first gingerbread house he's ever made, so that was a fun first :)

Eric & Riley... so cute :)

Avrie, David, Baylie, & Carrie all workin hard

He decided my arm was more fun to decorate

Riley & Kayhlen

Cute boy

Me, Eric, & Riley

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Temple Square

Ron & Lori invited me to go to temple square with them last night. They are the best:) We walked around and saw the lights and then went to starbucks and got hot chocolate after.

Weekend Fun

I went and spent the weekend with my "friend" Eric. We went 4 wheeling and horseback riding and all kinds of fun stuff. It was a blast.

This is Chester. He's so pretty

And this is Eric :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


So, i went to see Twilight at 2:30 Friday morning. The only thing I can say about it is that is was AWESOME! It was definitely worth getting no sleep and standing in line and all that fun stuff. The only complaint I have about it is it just wasn't long enough. The book is so much more detailed (obviously) so I just wish the movie would've been longer. But, i recomend seeing it to everyone! I LOVE IT!

Just a side note: I don't love it so much that I want to marry edward, and I don't love it so much that I think vampires are real... just wanted to clarify :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


For those of you who don't know, I'm going to school for nursing. I just finished up my nursing assistant class last week, and before that, I spent 3 saturdays working in assisted living/long term care facilities for part of my training. So, i just wanted to preface this video with that so you know how much I enjoy working with older people. Every time I see this video it cracks me up. Maybe it won't have the same effect on you.... but I sure enjoy it :)

Picture Tag

This is Scrappy. We got him my freshman year. He lasted about 6 months and then my parents got rid of him. We weren't quite ready for a dog at that time.

Go to your pictures. Go to the 4th picture in the 4th folder (no cheating) and post it

High School

1. Did you date someone from your school?
yep... a few

2. What kind of car did you drive?
the civic i still drive

3. Did you pass your driver's license test on the first try?
of course

4. Were you a party animal?
not at all

5. Were you considered a flirt?
me, a flirt? i don't think so

6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
no no and no

7. Were you a nerd?

8. Were you on any varsity teams?
soccer & basketball

9. Did you get suspended/expelled?
sure didn't

10. Can you still sing the fight song?
sadly yes

11.Who were your favorite teachers?
there's a lot... lee, harrison, ingersoll, & berg

12. Where did you sit during lunch?
usually went our for lunch, but when i did say i sat in the commons area on the wall

13. What is your school's full name? lehi high school

14. School mascot and colors? pioneers, purple & white

15. Did you go to Homecoming and who with?
i went my senior year with tylar fish

16. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
no, i'm so glad to be out of high school. i do miss basketball though

17. What do you remember most about graduation?
just being in shock about the fact that i was done

18. Where did you go Senior Skip Day?
we were supposed to go to lagoon, but my friends and i didn't. i think we went to the mall or something

19. Were you in any clubs?
nope, just sports

20. Have you gained some weight since then?

21. Who was your prom date?
sophomore year was sean, senior year was jon

22. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion?
It'd be fun to see old friends I've lost touch with.

23. Did you have a job while in high school?

I tag anyone who wants to do this

i think pictures always make the posts more fun

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Riley pictures

The best thing in my life is Riley, and I take lots and lots of pictures of him. There's not too much to update on him. He's now 5 1/2 months and is still growing every day I swear. Here's just some random pictures from last week.

He looks so freakin cute in this picture

Ron let him suck on a rib bone. He definitely enjoyed it

Baylie's 8!!

I can't believe I now have 2 nieces that are 8. I'm not old enough for this:) Anyway, Baylie's baptism was really nice and I'm so proud of her for making the decision to be baptized. She's an awesome little girl, and always makes me laugh. Love you Bayster!

Baylie and Avrie right after the baptism

Halloween Time

I had a pretty good Halloween this year. Lori brought Riley and Lacey to my office so I could show him off and so Lacey could go trick or treating with Avrie. They got so much candy, they didn't even need to go out that night.

Avrie was Snow White and Lacey was Elfuba(sp?) Aka the wicked witch of the west

Riley was a puppy dog... he's just too cute

Then for Halloween night, I went over to Carrie & David's and went trick-or-treating with the girls. They had a lot of fun and they were all so cute

Baylie's a ghost, Avrie's Snow White, Kenadie's a monkey, and Kayhlen's a chili pepper

Cute babies

Monday, October 27, 2008

My babies

So, since I'm not privileged enough to be married and have my own kids to blog about, I will blog about my other babies, which are pretty much my kids to me :) I just love these pictures so I wanted to put them up.

Here are my cute kitties napping together

We have this little dresser in the doorway of the cat's room so Kenya can't get in. This is what she does every time I'm in the cat's room. It's so cute. I just love her puppy dog face.

Pretty much pro

I wasn't really planning on carving a pumpkin this year, but mom bought me one when she went to the pumpkin patch with the girls, so since I had it, I decided to do it. I was totally kidding about the professional part... but the picture looks pretty dang cool

Baby Shower Invites

For those of you who don't know, I've gotten really into scrap booking ever since Riley was born. So I made Carrie's baby shower invitations all by myself. It's the first project I've done totally on my own so I'm pretty proud of myself. It's not a big deal... but this is as exciting as my life gets :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Poor Kitty

So, yesterday morning I noticed that Shadow had this area of fur that was all crusty and stuff. As I looked closer I noticed that she had a sore of some kind. I didn't really pay much attention to it, I mentioned it to mom and neither of us thought it was anything serious, we figured it would just heal and that would be that. So, last night when I got home, mom called me into her room and had Shadow on her lap. We looked closer at it again and it looked bigger and it was bleeding. So I planned on getting up this morning and making an appointment to get her in today. So... we get to the vet and he shaves the area around it. He then shows me that it was a cat bite and one of the puncture areas had gotten infected and was causing this abscess. He tells me what they'll have to do and blah blah blah, I figured a couple stitches and that would be it. Man was I wrong. So, 4 hours and 400 dollars later...

Her eyes are all crusty, that's why the one isn't open

So, they had to take out all the infected stuff and then cleaned and stitched up the other little puncture areas too, and the thing sticking out of her is a drain

It's so sad to look at her, poor kitty

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

He is huge!

Riley is seriously so dang big. He weighs 17 pounds and is only 4 months old! He is so long and just thick. He looks like he's 8 months old.