Jaxson's first week of life was a crazy one and went by way too fast. I think I'm just gonna have to go day by day to remember everything that happened.
Sunday - He's born :) We spent the day in the hospital relaxing, having some visitors, and enjoying time with our precious baby boy. We started working on breastfeeding and Jax was having some issues with it. He was latching on really well, but he wasn't eating. He just kept falling asleep. Some nurses were concerned, but then the lactation specialist came in and she told me that it is completely normal for them to not eat for even the first 24 hours.
Monday - Jax got his snip snip surgery done in the morning and still wasn't eating well. They said again that it's totally normal especially after his surgery cuz he was just tired and worn out. Since he was latching on so well they let us go home, so long as we promised to take him to the Pediatrician the next day. We went straight from the hospital to my parent's house to see the family and see baby Camdon who was born on 2/19, one day before Jax. Carrie and Cam got released about the same time as us so we all met up to meet the new babies. Jax continued to not eat the rest of Monday night.
getting ready to go home
Camdon & Jaxson
Tuesday - I called the Pediatrician first thing in the morning cuz Monday was President's day so we couldn't make an appointment, but we got in right away and Jax was down to 6lbs 4oz. As all mom's know, losing weight is normal in the beginning but the Dr. said he was definitely concerned especially since we were having such a hard time breastfeeding. So he had me take this syringe with this little tiny tube attached that I was supposed to put formula in while breastfeeding. Jax was also looking yellow, which was to be expected since he wasn't eating so he had to get his blood drawn to get tested for jaundice. So, he still wasn't eating well with that tube thing so finally I decided to try a bottle. And he took to it the second it was in his mouth. It really relieved me a lot that he was finally eating, but I was really bummed that breastfeeding didn't work out. We also got a call that afternoon telling us that he was jaundice and that they would be bringing by the bili lights for him to stay under. We got the bed and he had to stay in them til Thursday morning. Putting him in that bad seriously made me cry. We had to cover his eyes and he just looked so sad it was really hard for me. When he's under the lights he has to be watched 24/7 so we had to take shifts through the night. You also have to take his temperature every hour to make sure it doesn't get too high.
saddest thing ever :(
Wednesday - Was pretty layed back. We stayed home all day and had some visitors come by, Jax was supposed to stay in the lights 24/7 like I said so he was in there all day when we didn't have visitors.
Thursday - We took Jax to the Dr. in the morning and he was up to 6lbs 10oz! The Dr said that was great and actually a ton. Most gain about an ounce a day on average and he gained 6 in 2 days. So that made me a very proud momma :) He had to get blood drawn again for his bili test but the Dr said he looked good and not to worry about keeping him under the lights anymore. Then we got a call that afternoon telling us we were for sure cleared and his levels were great.
proud papa
Friday - We went and hung out at Carrie's for a little bit to see Camdon and mom was spending her days there too helping out. Then we went to Ron & Lori's for dinner that night. Jax's umbilical cord fell off this night.
Saturday - We went to Carter's in the morning cuz Jax is such a little peanut that we only had one outfit that fit him. So we got a couple cute outfits including the cutest one for church! Then we went over to mom and dad's to watch the BYU vs SDSU game. Yes we are still definitely Utah fans, but we love Jimmer and we always cheer for BYU when they are playing someone else. Plus SDSU fans are pretty retarted.
Sunday - We went to church at my parents' ward cuz that's the ward I grew up in and there's a lot of people I wanted to show Jax off to. Then we just hung out all day and played games that night like normal.
he looked so freaking cute!
first family picture
James was able to be home all week with us and was a huge help. He is already such a good daddy and is so so cute with Jaxson. A huge thanks to my mom who brought us dinner every night. Even though I have been feeling pretty good, it is nice to relax and not have to worry about making anything for dinner. She also gave Jax his bath every night which was fun. As far as Jax's sleeping schedule... it's been great! He is a really good sleeper. He usually goes to bed around 9, the wakes up at 11:30, then 3:30 then 7 or 7:30. However, last night he didn't go to bed til 11:30 and didn't wake up until 4 and then not again until 8 this morning. It was really nice, we'll see if it keeps up :)