1-Where did you begin 2008? at my apartment
2-What was your status by Valentine's Day? kinda not single, but kinda single at the same time
3-Were you in school anytime this year? yep
4-Did you have to go to the hospital? just to push a baby out
5-Did you have any encounters with the police? nope
6-Where did you go on vacation? Georgia and california
7-What did you purchase that was over $100? lots of stuff
8-Did you know anybody who got married? tons
9-Did you know anybody who passed away? yes
10-Did you move anywhere? back home
11-What sporting events did you attend? a lot
12-What concerts/shows did you go to? none
13-Describe your birthday: I turned 20… kind of depressing
14- What is the one thing you thought you would not do, but did, in 2008? have a baby
15-What has been your favorite moments? having riley
16-Any new additions to your family: 4… 3 babies and one sister-in-law
17-What was your best month? december
18-Who has been your best drinking buddy? oh you know…
19-Had a new crush? most definitely
20-Favorite Nights out? lots
21-Other than home,where did you spend most of your time? work
22-Have you lost any friends this year? not really
23-Changed your hairstyle? nope, never have
24-Have any car accidents? yea
25-How old did you turn this year? 20
26-Do you have a New Years resolution? haven’t really thought about it yet
27-Do anything embarrassing? of course
28-Buy anything new from eBay? nope
29-Got into new music? yea, thanks to eric
30-Get arrested? nope
31-Go snowboarding? no
32-Did you get sick this year? I was pregnant… need I say more
33-Are you happy to see 2008 go? sure, 2009 is gonna be awesome
34-Been naughty or nice? me? nice of course
35-What kind of phone did you have? just a Samsung flip phone
36-Did you date anybody? a few people
37. Have you had any relationships this year? yep
38.Have you had your birthday yet? um, yea
39.Kissed two people in the same night ? of course not
40.Been on a diet ? not really
41.Pulled an all nighter ? I’m sure I did
42.Drank Starbucks ? I love starbucks
43.Bought something ? seriously? of course I did
44.Met someone special who changed your life ? oh yes
45.Been out of the state ? yep
46.What are you thinking about ? hopefully the utes will get a miracle and long distance relationships suck
47.Hugged someone ? probably every day
48.Slept in someone else's bed ? yea
49.Got a Job? yep
50. Done something you regret ? of course